Today, I am not writing a love letter. I am writing an angry, I-hate-political-season letter. Originally, I wanted to make this post a short lesson in logical fallacies. Then, I realized doing so would require me to dig out my old textbooks and decided that was too much work. However, I do feel a need to throw my input into the loud array of obnoxious opinions.
1. While an over-generalization may contain a small, tiny, itsy-bitsy piece of truth, it should not be used as logical proof.
2. Using a few words someone once said taken out of context also should not be used as logical proof.
*Pause* You may be thinking, "Marlise, aren't all political ads I've ever seen since I was born using both 1 & 2 to prove they are awesome and their opponent is Satan's spawn?" Now, I must first remind you not to over-generalize. However, I'll be darned if I can think of one I've seen yet that hasn't used some silly, logical fallacy. Unfortunately, I've discovered while watching TV with my grandparents, WE RESPOND TO NONSENSE! That's right. Some more irritations I have...
3. Maybe I am messing up my timeline a bit but didn't the whole world's economy crash right about the same time ours did? I could only conclude from such information that either a. Obama killed the world or b. perhaps all economies, regardless of leader, party, or status, hit a low point due to a normal ebb and flow. Or...wait for it....... aliens.
4. Number four is half my rant and half another individual's rant. We keep waiting for the President to fix our world and create jobs. I'm not exactly sure how we think the President will create jobs. Perhaps, he could open a new clothing line and hire all recent college graduates to sew, sell, and model said clothing line. Sound fun?
5. A continuation of number 4... many individuals seem to be angry about a few promises that the President did or did not keep. Several thoughts on this:
a. Are we assuming that broad, sweeping promises are going to come to fruition as we imagined them?
b. I think making promises in order to gain votes is ridiculous and dangerous. However, time seems to prove that without promises the general public will not be swayed to vote. Therefore, who is truly at fault? The chicken. Maybe the egg. Also, due to entertainment and exaggerated ideas of the definition of freedom, the general public appears to thrive off of overly-Utopian claims of change. Newsflash: There is only one person who can fix every problem we have ever had and HIS NAME IS JESUS, FRIEND OF SINNERS. JESUS, JESUS. FRIEND OF MIIIIIIIIIINE! Sorry, the music was swelling around me, and I had to join. Moving this rant on...
I cannot think of any more irritations because a choir of singing angels just interrupted my train of thought. Also, I need to leave for work. The end.
Loved it!