Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Because I am allowed to rant...

I love people but people in cars drive me out of my mind (Oh, pun was not intended but excellent)! I am used to the occasional annoyance, but today was simply absurd.

Dear woman in the car behind me,
Waving your arms like a jellyfish and screaming (what I can only assume to be) obscenities will not persuade me to move my car into oncoming traffic. No, you do not have to make the glasses motion with your hands. Yes, I do see you. Actually, I can't inch my car any farther so you can turn right. You can wait the 5 seconds it takes for me to get a chance to turn.

Dear man in the car behind me,
Do not honk at me. Yes, I see the light is green. Apparently, the five cars in front of me do not see it. Your honk will not make me love bump the car in front of me. Wait your darn turn! I think you will find it safe to assume if I am no where near the light and the light just turned green, chances are the cars in front of me haven't moved yet.

Dear speed-racer going so fast I only spotted the red streak your car made as you almost hit me,
I AM GOING 40 OVER JUST TO GET INTO MY DARN TURNING LANE! Please, let me in. (For those of you who have seen Up, enjoy the movie reference.)

Now, I will admit I have a tiny bit of road rage. Occasionally, I do get annoyed. I might even yell a bit. However, I try to restrain from arm flailing, horn honking, car weaving tantrums that a 3-year old would be proud of.

Other minor frustrations:
That light has been red for 5 seconds. My light has been green for 3. I was honked at for waiting. You should not have run that red light, sir.

My car is a '94 Honda Accord. She drove all the way from Iowa 2 years ago. Needless to say, she takes a second to get going. However, I promise you, if you wait a minute, she really does want to speed way more than you are right now. Thank you for passing me too soon and driving under the speed limit.

Dear car containing person who is being Jesus to a stranger in rush hour traffic,
While I am sure you are doing the right thing by letting everyone who was too lazy to wait in line go in front of you, I can't help but feeling like you are trying to get everyone to like you. Please note, the 5 billion cars behind you do not feel as happy as that rude 19 year old budging in front of us.

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